Digital Homicide: The Full Story

So on the subject of good old video games, I’ve been wanting to cover the more prominent subject on Steam recently of a company known as Digital Homicide. Oh, the drama and chaos they have caused, all because the duo that made up the production studio simply don’t know how to complete a game. Oh yes, they can start a game, sure. They have started many many games. Over 30 of them in 2 years, in fact, but they never have actually gone through the effort to make these games their own. They all used pre-built assets, had barely unchanged game code, and many were just clone after clone after clone of their own previously released games!

The chaos started with Jim Sterling covering a game called “The Slaughtering Grounds,” an apparently terrible first person shooter. He was honest about it as he played, saying what he thought, and that seemed to piss off Digital Homicide. This was just about 2 years ago.

Flash forward to this past month, where Digitial Homicide has had to abandon a law suit that is so crazy I can’t even accurately convey it. This whole story is insane, honestly, but thankfully last night I found a video that I think accurately sums it all up.

Check out YouTube user “Darklordjadow1” and his summary of the Digital Homicide saga.

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