October Plans

It’s October, one of my favorite months in the year! Fall finally begins to set in (at least, here in the northern hemisphere) and with the month ending in Halloween (my favorite and arguably the best holiday ever) the whole month is filled with spooky things in mass!

Needless to say, these are some of the best days of the year for me, and I try to have as much fun as possible before the holiday season kicks in and really makes things unbearable for the next few months!

With all that out of the way, what are my plans for the month and Xadara?


First things first, I’m going to share all the awesome stuff I can find, as I always do. That isn’t going to change. What I’m going to try to do this year though is follow some more prominent projects going on this year (like Monster Madness X) and provide summary updates for those – a collection of links to the videos posted over the past week!

Next up will be some good old game sharing – in this case, something a little more spooky than normal – horror, monster, or just plain creepy game videos. Why not fit the theme, right?


Of course there will be more normal posts here and there, space history, launches, various rants and rambles about things, but for this month I’m planning on getting some fun things out there for my readers to enjoy!

Oh, and of course there will be the (still planned) annual Halloween game-a-thon! At least, I’m going to try to do it. Last years stream was pretty cool, so maybe another one this year would be the right idea. Who knows. We will find out then though won’t we?

Stick around. It’s about to get real spoopy up here!


Updated: October 1, 2016 — 7:45 PM

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