The Computer Chronicles – Tax Preparation Software (1987)

It’s tax season, in case you didn’t know. Today, most people do their taxes online, via some preparation software or via a third-party service that invariably uses custom software, or some electronic filing system down the line. to get the actual data to the IRS. 30 years ago, however, it was a different story. Electronic […]

The Computer Chronicles – Apple II Forever (1988)

A decade after it’s release, the Apple II, one of the “holy trinity” of affordable microcomputers released in 1977, was still going strong. Constant updates and improvements kept these machines in use far beyond their original designed life, and beyond the life of 8-bit computers on a whole: I dare say in the early 90’s […]

Site Navigation Updates Are Underway!

Today I finally got started on some of the long-overdue site updates that I mentioned the other week (see Coming Soon: Even Better Site Organization). These updates will make for easier navigation and discovery of other articles and more long-term content that readers may enjoy. Anyone who follows the site knows I tend to write […]