Site Navigation Updates Are Underway!

Today I finally got started on some of the long-overdue site updates that I mentioned the other week (see Coming Soon: Even Better Site Organization). These updates will make for easier navigation and discovery of other articles and more long-term content that readers may enjoy.

Anyone who follows the site knows I tend to write articles as a series, with more topical / newsy articles filling in the time between the more long duration content. Eventually, the better content gets lost to time, and while articles aren’t too hard to find, they also aren’t right there and available – they take some time to find, and you have to know what you are hunting for.

With that, you will find in the header section of the site new categories and drop down menu’s: of course the “reviews” category is there, which includes  both classic game reviews as well as TV and movies, and my new run of Angry Video Game Nerd episode reviews.

You will also find (currently in a placeholder state) a section titled “Article Series” where one can follow all series of articles devoted to a given subject – Retail Hell, old episodes of The Computer Chronicles, and more up and coming content.

It’s going to take some time to polish out the divisions and categories, so don’t expect everything to happen overnight, or things to be set in stone once you see them posted. Still, I feel this will help the site heavily for its purpose.



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