Tag: discussion

We Have Burnout – Hostility In The Space And Rocketry Online Community

Cutting straight to the point, I’m somewhat burnt out right now – namely, with regards to SpaceX, space subjects in general, and a few other things. Reading comment after comment on the SpaceX front has certainly been a chore, having to see them mentioned in every single space related subject ever is itself quite annoying, […]

XadaraCast, Coming Soon!

Long time followers of my work, primarily those who follow me on Twitter and YouTube, will remember a little project known as Xadara Gamechat, an audio podcast where I and a friend would discuss gaming subjects, new and old. While a very fun project to work on, sometimes there were issues, and there was content […]

Don’t Strawman Me

It happens all the time, in virtually every conversation. You are making whatever point you have, be it something mundane, or something major, and, somehow, you realize you are arguing something you didn’t even say, or, better off, didn’t mean. Someone has changed the subject on you, via some method or another, and by the […]

The Opinion – A Mini Rant

Humans are complex creatures, with complex thought processes. We take in vast amounts of information every moment of our lives. Via comparison and contrast, we eventually form our own views based on this information. We form our opinion based on all of these interactions of information. Simply our thoughts on the summary of data presented […]