The NES Classic Is Back In Stock? (Yes, Yes It Is)

UPDATE: apparently YES, the item has been on the shelves today, as of the day of me writing this. Talk about being late to post!

Among the more interesting gaming rumors that have crossed my radar the past few weeks is one saying that the NES Classic Edition is going to make its way back to store shelves.

Again, this is only a rumor, based upon reports that retailers would be getting more in “soon.”

This may very well prove not to be true. One item which I have seen at the day job coming in that is NES related is a reproduction controller for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The original system, not the NES Classic Edition. Perhaps this has confused those who aren’t aware of what is coming in and they think the influx of controllers for the original 1980’s console are actually for the Classic. Who knows.

Then again, as I type these words I decided to look up and see what other websites might be saying about this, and apparently over the past few hours gaming news sites have announced much the same, saying that varying stores had re-opened orders or announced that they had new units coming in.

I guess I should have written about this sooner. In whatever case, if you want one, the hunt is on again, it would seem. For me, though, I’m happy with a combination of my actual NES consoles and games, the Wii Virtual Console, and other methods to enjoy some classic gaming.

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