We Have A Solution To The Feed Import Problem

Last night I made a post about an issue I discovered while begging the article-storm that is my coverage of the more interesting announcements of E3: The fact that a main blog sharing tool I use, Triberr, has a 14 post per week import limit, and the storm of 8 articles over 2 days pushed me over that limit! Annoying? Sure, but understandable.


I do think I’ve found a way to keep the content flowing to Triberr without having to slow down my actual production rate!

To put it simply:

  1. Disable the Triberr plugin, which automatically pushes articles to the service.
  2. Write all the articles I wish, sharing them on social media as normal.
  3. Turn the plugin back on, and once per day, “update” an article – this *should* push that article to Triberr, and so long as I make it one per day over the next week, I will be able to get the posts shared via Triberr without breaking the feed limit (as it’s only one article published to Triberr per day) but get the content out to the masses while it’s still fresh.

Now, this has one problem of it means I won’t be able to pump out too many other articles over the next week, but that’s fine – I’ll have enough coming in from the E3 posts and the shares from Triberr that I can really safely take a break, maybe popping out an article once every other day next week.

I know, this is a little odd, but hey, it works: At least, I think it will work.

Oh, and to answer the tail end of last nights article, no, those 2 posts never did show up, but that one sure as hell posted to Triberr just fine! Go figure. 😐

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