Windows 95 – A First Look (1996 VHS Tape)

Windows 95 was a big change to how many people used their computers. Beyond introducing the Start Menu, it was in some ways so different that it could prove difficult for many users to adapt to. To that end, many companies produced VHS tapes designed to help ease people into the new, but very capable, operating system.

Enter this training tape, uploaded by YouTuber VWestlife, which has to be one of the more, shall we say, poor attempts at helping people learn about Windows 95. Now, the information presented isn’t bad, no no – the production quality is.

The tape looks to have been copied onto the poorest stock possible, recorded in SLP mode (the worst mode for recording) to save on the amount of tape used, and, most hilariously of all, the positioning on the title cards is absolutely horrific. Most of the text, and much of the screen shown would fall into the overscan area of a classic CRT television, and thus would never be seen by the people watching the tape – it would be outside the screen border!

If you’ve got 25 minutes to kill, why not check it out? You might learn something, or just have a good laugh!

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