underconstruction.gif (Or, Yet Another Update Post)

I’m going to try to make this post short and rather to the point, but knowing how I am with things, this will be another 300-500 word mini-essay on one topic.

To put what I want to say here in its simplest terms, things are changing around here. Some elements will be more obvious than others, but one thing is clear – Xadara can no longer work how it was for the past two years. I just can’t do it anymore. That much should be obvious in the massive lack of entries in November, but what isn’t obvious are the reasons behind this, or what is coming.

The former, I know and can easily express in short form here, in long form in the next few days. The stress caught up with me, and the drive to write about what I like came at the cost of not being able to get everything I wanted out. Yeah, I’ve said that before in recent updates but I wanted to restate it here to provide context as to what I think will be the course going forward, through December and into 2019.

I’m going back to my roots here and will be sticking back to gaming and tech. As much as it pains me to do so, I cannot talk about much of what I have been writing about on Xadara any longer and still keep the original focus of the site. Yes, this place is all about whatever I take interest in, with my thoughts, commentaries, what have you, but I have to draw a line somewhere, and I think going back to my roots will do me good, and be more fun on a whole.

This means a bit of a cleanup around here, too – a bigger one than the previous cleanup project which never fully got finished – I never did nuke many of the images here since they were tied to a side project which, at this stage, may do better as just a text archive.

That, in and of itself is actually another point to get into here – I’m considering taking much of the more “serious” content I’ve posted here that may no longer fit and converting it all in to more simple, non-blog archives, for, well, archival sake. This will work well to clean up the site, free up space (mostly in the form of images, etc) and better help people in seeing what content may be of interest to them. Maybe. Who the hell knows, the internet and search engine stuff are strange things these days, and I’m surprised what content on here does and doesn’t get hits constantly.

The point is, a bit of a even more in depth cleanup might actually do the site, and myself, some good.

Don’t read the above wrong, I don’t want to remove much, if any, content, where possible, but I also do want to refine things. It’s an odd balance of old-and-new that I’ll have to work at as I can. The interim period, though, while I make these changes might have quite a bit of, well, mess, around here. Dead links, odd image issues, who the hell knows. I’ll work on things as I can, but it’s probably going to get messy while that goes on — that’s somewhat the origin of the title of this article, as the effort reminds me of the old days of the internet when people who had pages that were never finished (yes, older websites used to be “static” content) always had little under construction images at the top and/or bottom of the page to tell you this. I kind of wish those would make a comeback. Oh well, no reason I can’t use them here, right?

New content is coming though, and it’s going to be a hell of a fun time for me once I get to it – I just have to make it happen. For now, as December begins, I’ve got the holiday shopping season to deal with and work being, well, work.


Oh, and as for the under construction gifs you see here, if you want to check them all out check this link, for all the Geocities under construction gifs you could possibly want! While you’re at it you could also hit up the rest of Jason Scott’s website for some early internet history that, if you’re like me, you will certainly love!


…oh, and look, this wound up being 700 words. Funny how that happens.

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