Tag: Internet

Tortoise vs Hare Live Race – The Results May Surprise You

Now for something completely different and rather amusing, I bring you something quite random I found out about only towards the tail end of it happening: The Facebook page Super Deluxe had a live race between a Tortoise and a Hare, as per the classic story. https://www.facebook.com/superdeluxevideo/videos/417564681921421/ It looks like all the two had to […]

The Computer Chronicles – Online Tips (1996)

Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve shared a Computer Chronicles episode! In this particular episode we have an assortment of “online tips,” such as internet etiquette (netiquitte, a concept which never seems to have taken off), keeping kids safe online with blocking software (software which seems to always be easily circumvented) and the introduction […]

SOPA Blackout

From 8Am to 8Pm tomorrow, January 18th, 2012, Xadara will be “on strike” as it were, in protest to the ProtectIP and SOPA laws trying to be passed through the United States governmental system. I’m not going to make some longwinded post about such, explaining what these things are, why these laws are so horrible […]