Instagram for Windows Phone: First Thoughts

I’m going to make this a short entry, since it is late, and I am quite tired.

Today, Instagram was released for Windows Phone.  It’s an event I have been waiting for since the day I got my Windows Phone.

I’ve taken a small amount of time today to give it a try.  While stripped down, missing user tagging and recording of videos, the app otherwise is pretty much comparable in design and flow to the iOS and Android releases.

The only complaint I actually have about the app, which is currently called “Instagram Beta” is that the app doesn’t always want to behave correctly. I often find myself having to tap a button several times to get an action, and while this is annoying, the app does work fine once it gets that you wish to take an action. Only a few times have I had any actual crashes, and I am certain these bugs will be fixed in upcoming updates.

All in all, I would have to say a very good initial release. What works works fine, and the crash and button issues certainly will be fixed soon.

I’m very happy to have an official client for Windows Phone. Finally, I can get back to browsing and sharing photos of who know what!

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