Coming Soon: “Then and Now”

I’ve been gaming my whole life, in one way or another. Some of my earliest memories are video game related. Space Invaders and the original Mario Bros. arcade machines at a local laundromat, circa 1989; going to Chuck-E-Cheese and playing Roadblasters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons, or Pole Position arcade cabs; or even just a faint memory of playing Pac-Man on my moms Atari 2600, gaming has seemed to have always been a part of my life, and is a hobby I care about in the same way others do books, plays, music, or film.

Growing up in the Nintendo era… getting a Sega Genesis… moving on to the Playstation, watching the Dreamcast rise and fall, and on up to today and the seemingly endless console wars, now being fought between Microsoft and Sony, I’ve experienced quite a large chunk of a relatively recent form of entertainment.

Of course, when these things were new, or new to me, I had thoughts on them. My opinions might have changed as time has gone on, and this fact gave me an idea: Why not share my thoughts then, and my thoughts now?

For that, I have a new article series: Then and Now. It’s a simple idea, I pick a subject and discuss how I recall experiencing it then, and then how I feel on the subject now.

This should be more interesting in practice than it sounds here, but do let me know what you think of the idea in the comments below!WP_20150212_005


Updated: February 11, 2016 — 10:44 PM

1 Comment

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  1. Pretty much sure that it gonna be an interesting series! I guess when you arrived to the idea to get an Sega Genesis, i mean, they were many customers batch depending on which years you started… I know many people, who buy Genesis because Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker what on… But those who had buy later in 90’s it usually was for Mortal Kombat, as Mortal Kombat “hidden” code to have the blood was widely know, so it was see to be more comaparable to the arcade. Unfortunatly most were not knowing the PC/DOS, CD version (not to be fooled by the diskett version which is shame) as at that epoch, a home computer was too much expensive… Anyway, i’m loosing myself with my own though, but hey i’m gonna be more than happy to see your though ’bout it! :^)

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