Thanks Obama

As I have said before, I try not to get political here on Xadara, but I do have to say what I think from time to time. I’ll try to keep this one brief.

Thank you, President Obama. You didn’t always do what I feel was the best thing – there are many times your administration took actions which I was completely against. Many of your original plans and goals were changed and altered, just to be able to get them to pass. Still, you tried your damnedest to do what you set out for. That’s all I could, in the end, is that you tried.

You took incredible hatred and handled it with dignity. You addressed obvious lies and stupidity with a comedic, but direct refutation, acknowledging how absurd the claims made against you were.

You gave inspiration to countless people who now knew that they too had a chance; they could reach the top, regardless of the hatred and bigotry that comes with factors beyond their control that, in the end, matter nothing in the grand scheme.

As I said, you tried. That’s the most one can ask, given the political situation in the United States.

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