Slowly Getting Things Back To Normal – An Update

I mentioned previously that for some strange reason, I just haven’t felt like working on Xadara as much as I have over the past 2 years. I don’t know if it’s burnout, general frustration and exhaustion, or just being too busy with other things, but for whatever reason I went from about an article a day to an article every week!

As you can see, this has changed, again – I’m slowly getting back to my normal rates – but still, things are being spaced out a little more than I would like.

I’m still not feeling 100%. Blame anxiety, maybe, I don’t know. For most of 2018 I’ve honestly felt like everything is in a blur. This somewhat worries me, in all honesty. I’ve never felt this rushed before, feeling like things are going faster than I can keep up with. It seems like I wake up and then, a second later, it’s 3 A.M. and I’m considering if I should finally get to sleep or not.

Oh sure, we have moments like now where I actually get to writing for the site, if only this heavily overdone update kind of entry that I really wonder if anyone cares about, but still, it’s something. It’s content. Content someone will read and hopefully relate to. At the very least, maybe the regulars appreciate these little looks into what I’m thinking about my own work. I know I enjoy it when content creators take us “behind the scenes” so to speak.

With that covered, I’m thinking things will slowly get back to normal. Ever since December, really, I’ve been running into walls in getting stuff out, but I think I’m about to get back to a good production rate. I’m behind on many, many subjects (the never ending Xadara backlog keeps on growing) but that just means I have plenty to write about on those days where I feel like tossing out 4 or 5 entries, as opposed to the usual 1 or 2 in a given day.

Or, things could stay the same way they have been. I don’t know. Guess we will find out, won’t we?

Thanks for reading. More to come, as always.

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