Mind The Gaps – An Update

As you can tell, my previous statements about getting back to normal article writing rates on Xadara haven’t fully come to pass as I hoped they would. Thankfully much of this has actually been intentional, if the root cause hasn’t been something I expected or planned for.

Just about a month ago, coinciding with a friend coming down to visit, I got sick. Sicker than I normally do. It was one of those funks where you almost have energy but really aren’t in the best of shape, and it stayed like that for 2 weeks of heavy coughing, sinus problems and the like. A month later I’m still coughing and I still have sinus issues, but I think now it’s mostly just become my normal allergies (it is springtime after all) being a little more pronounced due to me still recovering from whatever it was exactly I was dealing with at the end of March.

As a part of the recovery, I said “forget it” to much of my writing, barring where I really felt like getting something out. I think I covered much of the important stuff, but there is still quite a bit I want to get to, and will soon enough (I hope,) but for now, I’m still playing each day by ear, hoping I’ll feel that little bit more like writing each day.

It’s actually funny how little time I do spend writing for the site on a whole. Some individual articles, however, can take me longer than they should thanks to the complexity of their information, their scale, or my desire to “perfect” them (which they never are, of course.) I try to cover much more than I should in some ways, but at the same rate when I really get writing (read, 2 or more articles a day) I can get quite a bit covered. Other weeks, however, you can hear the crickets chirp.

It’s just how things go. I guess I’m writing this partially to remind myself it’s fine if I don’t write something – I’ll get what I want to say out soon enough, when I feel more like it.

That’s actually it’s own topic for an upcoming article, I think. We’ll see when I get to that.

More to come, as always.

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