The Chaotic Mess That Is Any Attempt For Me To Cover E3

I don’t know what I was thinking in trying to cover E3 this year. This entire event is, quite simply, far too massive for me to take a stab at given I’m just one person, and I don’t even like E3 all that much to begin with. The core presentations alone are far too much for me to begin to address in any detail (even if I wanted to) and the constant barrage of information each company puts out outside of their primary press conferences is insane.

It’s just too much at once to cover “in the time” it’s happening.  After covering the main presentations from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, I thought getting to the major 3rd party announcements would be good, until saw there were 7 more of those that happened!

I’m sorry, but I’m just not devoting whole articles to presentations that I not only don’t want to watch, but also barely care about. It’s bad enough I actually covered the big 3 this year in as haphazard a way I did, given I usually try to devote space on this site to topics I care just a bit more about outright.

Things are spread out all over, and honestly the entire idea of me covering E3 actively just doesn’t work. I don’t know why I didn’t think about it until now that I might do well to just cover at the end what I actually enjoyed seeing, and things that are worth recapping for the hilarity (I’m looking at you and your pathetic show, Electronic Arts.)

I’ve got to stop being so ambitious. All in the quest to get a few more views and a bit more gaming content up… but hey, at least I’m honest with myself!

(oh, and let’s not get started on the upload slots I wasted on Triberr by having to edit the titles and URL’s of those 3 posts yesterday…)

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