So Much To Do, So Little Time – An Update

Oh boy, another one of these updates. I’m sure you all just love when it’s one of these posts and not actual content! (That’s sarcasm, by the way.. just thought I’d clarify)

Anyway, right, this is going to be a quick one. I’ve been a good bit more busy than usual with many other things, and as such haven’t been able to get out what I’ve wanted to the past week. Yeah, same old story that basically every update article has had this year, but I do have some progress on plans I think I’ve mentioned before. I’m hoping to expand my reviews of nostalgic pop culture topics ( read, junk I liked when I was younger) as well as more modern topics with better organization and a more “concise” structure to the site.

Don’t get me wrong, this will still be the same “geeky blog about nothing particular” that you love (or hate) but I’m quite certain once I get time again to really put into the site I’ll be expanding things in a way that will prove good all around.

Or, maybe it will go horribly! I don’t know, but that’s the great thing about running your own website – you can do whatever you want, see what happens, and if it isn’t how you want it to be you can change it back to how it was. Try going back to the old layout and star ratings on YouTube. Ain’t going to happen!

We’ll see what happens – I’ve only got preliminary plans at this stage, but I like the ideas I’ve had so far.

More to come when I get more time. Stay tuned.

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