A Quick Shot Of Blogging Optimism

Well, the past few days have shown activity on this site that hasn’t been seen in quite a while – at least, not since the 45th anniversary of the launch and first crewed mission of Skylab, and before that it had been late last year when Xadara had been this active.

After taking yet another small break (see Going Back To My Roots, Positive Blogging, And More ; An Update for more info) I set myself out on a task to just have fun with the site again, like I used to – to post about things I really like, cover things that aren’t too annoying to me but may be worth writing about (like YouTube’s inability to make subscriptions work right)  or just other normal geeky or nostalgic stuff that I obviously enjoy or want to discuss.

I’ve still got some reservations on some aspects of how I write – I find it a little odd that something as silly as an Angry Video Game Nerd video could come before or after a more serious topic, like the anniversary of a Space Shuttle launch, or something else, It just seems strange with those two things juxtaposed. I don’t know how others see it, but for me, it’s just… well, an unavoidable oddity for me to talk about what I like. I’m not limiting the focus of this site any further than I already have.

I’ve also still got the massive backlog to contend with, as well as more future plans. Not just in article writing, but in refining the cataloging and organization of all the content on this site. I stand at having just shy of 1000 articles on here, and really need to refine the navigational, tagging, and categorization structures, if only for myself. If it helps others find content, then more power to them – I, of course, hope people follow links, skim content, and just enjoy whatever time they spend here. Is that not one of the points of blogging?

As for the backlog and the like, I’ll take my time and give the long-overdue articles the best shot I can when I next feel the urge. Not going to rush myself there. I’m also considering doing some pre-writing of some entries in article series, such as AVGN reviews, and scheduling them for future dates (maybe every Saturday or Sunday) to add some kind of consistency. It’s an idea, anyway.

All in all, business as usual here, sure, but I’m finally having fun with it again – you can tell in the past few articles I’m actually enjoying myself more than the past few months, where some articles felt forced. Naturally, if I’m enjoying myself, the articles will feel more natural, and I’d certainly think people enjoy reading an article when they feel the person who wrote it cares about what they are writing about. Link clicks and views on the most recent few articles shows interest, at least.

That’s really that. More to come, as always.

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