Stage One Of Cleanup Is Complete

I swear this website has become at least 30% updates about the website itself, but I enjoy sharing updates as I work to make Xadara something better than it has been, and today I made some progress towards that cleanup which I mentioned in a previous update.

I cleaned out all of the old articles which were migrated over to Hostile Space, as well as wrote the first dedicated article to the sub-site.

As I’ve discussed previously, the entire concept of hostile space is to give me a place, under my control, to post about issues I wish to discuss which don’t otherwise fit into the scheme of Xadara itself. I want this site to be more happy tech and gaming focused, like it used to be before one of my other great interests in life, space and rocketry, became taken over by a hostile element… hence the name of the sub-site, hostile space. The migration and deletion of posts related to that element, as I planned previously and actually partially performed earlier in the year, was a logical way to clean things up.

It isn’t just that posts related to the hostile element in question have been cleaned, but tags and secondary mentions related to the subject have been nixed – they aren’t going to be used, so why not erase that as well.

I’m much happier with things like this already. Once I clean up the old comments and related accounts, I’ll be set for whatever future expansions and adjustments I want to make to the site.

Most importantly, though, it keeps the “negative” things I wish to discuss separated from the more positive and fun things I want to write about, which is 95% or more of what I would prefer to discuss on any given day. I want the site to better represent what I love, and while I don’t want to hide the things I’m more critical of (which is also helpful in me venting stress and frustrations that relate to these things) I’m not going to let these things corrupt the idea behind this website. I want this to be a fun, happy place, and keep all the other stuff relegated to one particular spot.

Right, more to come, as always.

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