Delta IV Heavy – Parker Solar Probe Launch Highlights

What United Launch Alliance rocket flight would be complete without a launch highlights video? The  Parker Solar Probe is no exception here, as we have yet another fine blend of preparation shots and best of views of the early ascent of the Delta IV Heavy.

Of note in this video is the man shown watching the launch – that’s none other than Eugene Parker, the scientist who first theorized the solar wind, and whom the probe is named after. His comments following the launch were positive, but it should be noted the mans focus was on the data we will get from the mission. Even he sees the purpose of a launch vehicle is to get its payload safely into orbit.

Seriously, look at those engines. Beautiful.
Photo via ULA.

In any case, Delta IV Heavy did its job flawlessly yet again. Parker Solar Probe is on its way to the Sun!

Here we go with the launch highlights. Do enjoy, and as a reminder, if you want to see the full launch I’ve covered it in the previous article, The Launch Of The Parker Solar Probe!

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