So Apple Announced Some New Stuff Today. Good For Them.

It’s funny, over the past few months I’ve had quite an influx of older Apple computer hardware come into my possession – were I any other kind of person you would think I would have been all over the Apple announcements today, but nope. Don’t care.

Not in a bad way, just in the “eh, this doesn’t affect me directly” way.

That’s something people don’t quite get, either – the idea that being apathetic about something is equal to not liking it. That in and of itself is another article worth writing, but for now, I’ll stick to the subject at hand.

This is, of course, what Apple does every year. It’s nothing special, but for those who like to stay on the cutting edge of technology, sure – these announcements let them know “hey, this new phone is available” or whatever they may be interested in. That’s how the consumer tech industry works, especially with mobile devices, so these yearly updates are common with every company.

I, however, like to set back and deal with more mature hardware and software. Well, sort of – I’ve had the urge to stay on the cutting edge with some things, but I’m fine dealing with older stuff – it just depends. What’s constant with me is to keep viable hardware and software available, be it older or newer, so long as it does what I need it to do effectively I’m fine with it. If I have a need to stay current (like with Windows) then I go with the flow, being a day-one adopter for both Windows 8 and Windows 10 (no regrets on either, by the way) while also still keeping obsolete hardware and software available for whatever case I need it for (the Power Mac G5 and the Windows 2000 Dell Optiplex come to mind.)

My technology works for me and I like to get the best “bang for my buck” where I can – I don’t need a new $700 phone just because it’s new. It’d be cool to have, yeah, but I don’t need it, so I don’t really want it. For others, hey, go for it, no hate here.

Just understand that while you may want the item, I might not at this time, and that’s perfectly fine. Some people who stay on the cutting edge seem to forget that….

Generally I do stay a little more up to day software wise than hardware, since hardware naturally costs quite a bit more than software does, but with limitations in place I don’t see myself doing any major software updates in the Apple ecosystem anytime soon – not without another major purchase. Ya’ never knew though with me….

I’ll go into this more sometime in the future. It’s actually been a long time since I really wrote about tech in this more personal way – modern tech anyway. Yes, this was more of a “let me write this to fill the article per day quota” that I’ve set for myself, but still, it was worth sharing the thoughts. Better stuff to come, seriously.

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