It would appear my birthday has come around again, which means another chance for me to post some kind of introspective article that I can look back to in a year and think “oh, okay, I wrote that. Cool.”

In all seriousness, I do enjoy the chance to reflect from year to year, and without going into much detail I can say right now I’m incredibly optimistic for the upcoming year. I’ve felt better about many things, both personally and online, than I have for quite a while.

I would explain this more, but the more I type the less right it feels. Perhaps it’s best if I just leave it like that. Today was a good day on a whole for me, a good birthday, and I’m hoping things continue being good for the rest of the year, especially here. With the way things look, I should finally have this site going the way I want it to.

That being said, a final Happy Birthday to me, and on with the usual stuff here! More to come, as always.

I just love getting a chance to use the Portal cake.

…and yes, I’m reaching the point in my life where half the posts I make online feel like “old man yells at cloud” moments. Eh, it’s all good.

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