Remember The Typewriter Journal Project? That Failed Miserably…

I’m going to keep this one short. Remember that Typewriter Journal Project I wrote about in mid January? Yeah, literally that same night was the last entry in it. Over the next couple of weeks I found myself too busy to really keep up with it.

I had realized some entries were kind of a waste — some days were so uneventful that they didn’t need their own entry, so I planned to do recaps every few days, or keep a more “rolling” style of entry. That never happened, and from that last post onward no updates were made.

The failure of this project taught me something, though – I woke better outside of a schedule, doing things more “when I feel like it” than at the beck and call of the clock.

I’ll probably at a point find time to type up entries again, but more like I used to – when I feel the urge to, rather than as a daily thing. I enjoy using typewriters and was hoping this would be a good excuse to constantly use the machines in my collection.

To the gamers who read these things, think about it like this: you have a few classic consoles and may rotate which ones you play regularly. For someone like me, who likes to write and use old typewriters and the like, it’s the same thing. Each machine has its own feel and unique traits and it’s fun to go between them typing up things.

Then again I think about how much gaming I actually do anymore, and realize it’s truly going to be few and far between that I use these old machines. I hope to change that, but it looks like I won’t be able to force it. Same with gaming, actually. I can’t force it. I just have to be in the mood for it, be it gaming, writing for this blog, or typing for myself personally.

Eh, it’s kind of bad when you have to force yourself to enjoy your own hobbies. Ah well, it is what it is.

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