Coming Soon: Feb 7th 2019

I feel like I normally doom myself to procrastination when I speak of upcoming plans for the site, but the past few days have proven fruitful writing, and I’m feeling optimistic, so why not take a chance, right?

I’ll be keeping this short, as I really just wanted to put up a list of subjects on the short list to write about and maybe for those occasional comments that come in get some feedback, suggestions, preferences, etc. Of course, this is my website so I’ll write about whatever the hell I want but I’m always open to more ideas. With that all being said, let’s begin!

First off, and I know I always say this, backlog and current series sets being worked on need to get back to being worked on. I’m already a week past a planned AVGN episode review release, well behind on my Macintosh series, and really the whole article series section is a damned mess. I’ll be working to clear that up soon enough.

Next up come a few things that are worth me hitting on while they are fresh enough in what I’ve currently been working on tech wise – some Mac Mini’s being used as servers, replacing Xbox One hard drives at work, and some other lesser but still (probably) interesting little tech subjects.

On the social commentary front, I’ve got a bit more to say about some of what YouTube has been doing recently, especially to someone I associate with on Twitter, among other more typical (and still long overdue) subjects. If you follow me on Twitter you can probably guess what those are. Oh, and let’s not forget more on the inevitable death of Google+. That should be fun to ramble on about, right?

Lastly, on the gaming front I’ll probably be playing more Apex Legends so I can form better thoughts on it (as opposed to “first impressions”) as well as get back to some game reviews of all sorts, including a very much overdue review of a certain horse laden high profile game release which (spoiler alert) is quite simply one of the best games I’ve ever played.

I’m still working on expanding things as well, in the hopes of both having as much fun as I can with the site (it is a hobby after all) and providing the most content I can for those who take the time to visit here. Basically, use a blog for what a blog is for.

We’ll see what happens tomorrow, but if I can keep this up and not get burned out like I did over the past few months, and really over the past year things might be finally getting to where they should be.

Oh, and yes, that is a new site wallpaper you see. In case you’re curious, it’s an edit of a MOS 6502 schematic.

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