Sonic Mania Plus, Giving Destiny 2 A Second Chance, And More – A Gaming Update

I don’t game nearly as much as people would think I do. I sometimes go whole months without any real serious game play happening — hell, the last game I really spent time playing was Red Dead Redemption 2, and that was back in November / December. Oh, sure, I may spend some time while at my desk with the 360 or PS3 on, playing Symphony of the Night for the 30th time, but that I consider some “light” gaming, especially since it’s something I have played many times over.

Well, the other night I finally decided to spend a whole $5 (yes, big spender, I know /sarcasm) on the Encore pack for Sonic Mania. I generally enjoyed the game, and did give it one solid play through before I entered one of my “don’t play anything for months” phase. Since the other night I’ve spent some time giving the game another play through and enjoying it, especially the new Encore mode added in — that’s kind of fun and I’ll probably cover it, if belatedly, soon.

That being said, I’ve got the luxury over the past half year of having moved my original Xbox One to my computer desk setup, having replaced the one on my main TV with a One X. Convenient, to say the least, as I can game while sitting here — I have a habit of multitasking as is, so it just kind of works out. If I want to just take a break from everything, well, that’s what the main TV and that setup is for. It makes more sense in reality than it might in text, anyway.

Hey, look, I have an excuse to use the Sonic Mania art again 😀

This got me thinking though — I could try playing Destiny 2 again with this setup, having some fun with it while still being able to keep up with or work on other things. I don’t like to fire up the main setup unless I’m done for the day or going to game for several hours solid, not just 20 minutes of something and then taking a break, hence even having the “at my desk” gaming setup — again, it just kind of works for how I do things.

Maybe I’ll get back into the game. Maybe not, time will tell, but I’m lucky to have the kind of options available I do with this. I have choices, at least, and I’d like to enjoy them while I’m fortunate enough to have them to enjoy.

It’s just one of those things. I know I’m not alone in the whole “having a gaming console at my computer setup” thing — that’s actually incredibly common, it seems, and while my setup isn’t typical, it works fine. I’m hoping I’ll be making more time for this hobby which I honestly do enjoy, but tend not to partake in as often as I’d like.

Maybe more to come on that in the near future, who knows.

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