Gaming Discussion Can Be Incredibly Frustrating At Times – An Update

It’s been a while since my last post. Damn near a week, in fact. I feel like every moment I get closer to really having a proper article flow here, something comes up which throws a wrench in the works, and of course because I’m transparent as a sheet of glass on what’s going on behind the scenes with me and this crazy project that is Xadara, well, here’s what’s been up.

Sorry ahead of time, but I just need to vent.

The past couple of weeks have presented quite a few argumentative individuals to me – more than I’ve experienced in a while, and quite frankly more than I feel like dealing with anymore on any scale.

Between people who can’t grasp how servers work, people who think that paying for online gaming services is a scam, people who are religiously against all-digital gaming (spoiler, we’re already there, you just don’t realize it yet) and all kinds of other crap (some of which I’ve written about recently, some I haven’t,) people who want to argue about something (like the above online gaming cost issue) who flood you with their own points but then complain when you send them responses to all that they said (standard discussion and debate form) and on and on, well, you can imagine how frustrating it is, especially on the limited forum that Twitter is.

You may ask, why do I put myself through this if it gets to me so much? A good question, but one that misses a factor in all this: I don’t go looking for arguments. Discussion, sure, even of the highly spirited variety. That can be fun, but outright arguments? No.

Oh, and yes, I shouldn’t have to clarify, but a discussion and an argument are two very different things. I’m beginning to think people actually don’t comprehend this and think any and all discussion online must be an argument as a matter of fact, with both parties ignoring what the other says. That’s not how I operate, but others, that’s all they do…

Now, granted, when I have a differing opinion on a topic being discussed, I will throw my 2 cents in. That certainly opens up the chance for something to happen, but doesn’t mandate an argument must result – a discussion that’s polite and proper can happen (such as the one I had with one guy regarding how Xbox Live for the original Xbox worked and why it won’t come back) and that’s great when it happens. It’s what I try to work for, anyway, when I do interject with a contrary thought on the subject – I hope to be firm in my opinion but back it up with reasoning (the “why” is more important than the “what” one thinks) in the hopes it will promote proper, meaningful discussion.

Too bad it’s rare. Most people are so stuck on what they think they will defend their position on all points, even if corrected. It doesn’t even have to be a critical aspect to their position – if you disagree with them on anything, and can prove how correct you are, they still not concede even that one tiny point.

I won’t even begin to get into the dead art of “nuance.” Not now, anyway.

Again, I don’t seek out arguments (seriously, I don’t) but if someone has a flawed way of thinking about something and is asserting that in a conversation I’m a part of, I’m generally inclined by my nature to provide a correction with example or reason; something to be milled over and considered. I’d expect others to do the same were the roles reversed, and people do, which I appreciate – if I find their statement is correct and /or the logic behind it is valid, I’ll consider it.

Even then, perfectly benign replies can trigger quite hostile reactions, misunderstandings, or otherwise just get out of hand for seemingly no reason. Not a fun time.

Going back to the original question: why? The answer is I don’t know. These things just kind of happen when you’re talking online and as of late seem to happen far too often for my liking. I enjoy a spirited conversation but generally when people get defensive and it devolves into an argument, forget it.

It should be a fun time, chatting about games, the scene, enjoying stuff, but no, someone has to be argumentative. It’s to a point where I just don’t feel like participating in the community in any real form anymore, which has extended to Xadara itself – I needed a break, and have taken some time for myself to facilitate that break – I may do that more often going forward. It rather sucks that this stuff can bring me to a point of not wanting to write and have fun with the site, but such is life

Yes, I know, this kind of crap is all over the internet. It’s always been there and always will be, I’m not new to this idea. Obviously I’d rather have a nice, fun chat about whatever, but, contrary to what many may say, that doesn’t seem to be what most in the gaming scene care about — their only focus is arguing at every opportunity.

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