Guess Who’s Been Sick The Past Week? – An Update

Oh yes, it’s time for another one of these posts. As you can tell it’s been kind of dead around here recently, and that’s not for lack of trying.

I’ve been rather sick the past few days, in a buildup that’s been about 2 weeks in the making!

I’ll keep this brief, but I felt like at least sharing with readers for, as always, what it’s worth. I’m one of those people who has always had upper respiratory issues – sinus problems, sore throats, your typical heavy coughing / sneezing / fever messes that knock a person out for a few days at their worst and for the rest of the time make their days before and after that time span pretty miserable.

The past few weeks have been no exception. In fact, I should have seen this coming – I had a bit of a cough back on the 11th when we had an event at work, one that had started ever so slightly a few days beforehand, but hit its height this past Friday.

Then came the weekend. Oh boy, that was a mess. Saturday was a pretty miserable time at work. Sunday things really built up, and then Monday and Tuesday I was done — that was where things were at their peak, and I just had to stay home.

Right now I’m feeling a bit better – I’m obviously over the worst of it all, still coughing a bit, still running a bit of a fever, and the less I talk about the general body ache and chest pain from the coughing the better, so at least I’m getting back to normal on a pretty normal schedule – this didn’t become something worse like it has in the past (including a case just last year that I never wrote about that lasted for about a solid month and ended with a short hospital stay) and I’m sure by this time next week I’ll be fine.

Now, you may ask, why am I writing about this now? If I get sick relatively often, why did this case matter enough for me to write about?

The reason is how it seems to have affected my urge to write – the past week, between the exhaustion of preparing for the event on the 11th at work and the “early” stages of being sick, where an illness incubates and first begins its attack on the body, I just didn’t have the urge to write. This kind of worked out, as I spent the time working on some other things, but it was the strangest thing to go as long as I did without really putting anything out there. We all know I’ve got no shortage of topics to cover, but I just didn’t want to write.

Until I realized I was sick I thought maybe I just didn’t want to really do the site anymore – that’s actually been a somewhat constant thing in the back of my mind — perhaps the illness tiring me out made me less able to suppress that thought? Who knows.

What I’m getting at is that it’s quite interesting how something as relatively normal as being sick for a week can affect more about our day to day lives than we think it would. There’s a documented phenomena of people having a bit more energy and being more active than normal right before they get sick, and of course a person being exhausted from illness won’t exactly be in the most positive of moods – combine that with anxiety or depression (in my case) and you can get some pretty “down in the dumps” days, without even knowing quite why you feel that way when you’re otherwise fine.

As always, I write this for anyone who may take interest in it, or can relate. I strive to write something daily, but fail to meet that goal often. That’s fine, but me not writing anything of substance for most of a month without good cause is quite unusual.

Then again, being sick and exhausted is good cause when you think about it. I just didn’t realize that’s what was going on at that time.

Ah well, more to come, as always.

Updated: May 22, 2019 — 1:03 PM

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