Remember Those Game Reviews I Said I’d Do? Those Are Finally Happening.

Way back in the far off space year of 2016 I wrote an article titled “The Review Plan” where I discussed the basic ideas I had for reviewing media of all types. I outlined my 1 to 5 rating scale and a few thoughts and ideas on how things would go. It seemed straightforward but at the end I had one of those wonderful moments of being self aware in this line:

Now comes the annoying part – actually writing all the content

Sure enough nearly 3 years later I’ve yet to do much in the way of reviews, beyond one project: Angry Video Game Nerd episode reviews.

I’ve really been feeling like pushing myself to play more games recently and begin writing about them — take a break away from the social side of the scene and focus on the fun of trying out games and expressing thoughts on the experience that any given game provides.

Of course, the internet in no way needs another person doing game reviews, but I’ve noticed something — that scene has begun to completely die down these days. It’s no longer about just covering a game and providing opinions on it, these days everything is now about “documentary” style stuff – everyone has to find this odd thing to talk about or cover that popular thing in detail without actually sharing any opinion – just “facts” as they find them.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that in and of itself, nor is that anything out of the ordinary for a change to have happened — things ebb and flow all the time, and eventually we will get back into a phase where the classic product review scheme is popular again. I guess I’m just going ahead of the curve there, and want to have some fun with this end of things while it’s not as crowded a market.

Plus, as mentioned before, it will give me an excuse to spend some time playing games again, a hobby I’ve really abandoned the past few years, and something I should focus more time on.

With that being said, expect to see some reviews published soon. I’ve got the back end of things sorted out, and I know how I want to do them — I just need to get my stuff in gear and make them happen!

More to come, as always!

eh, might as well use it as an image in the article.

EDIT: I just now realized that late last year I wrote an article with a nearly identical title, that time in reference to 2 planned game reviews that were of a special nature.

Great, I’m already recycling article titles 😐

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