October 2019 Xbox Live Games With Gold

Wow, Microsoft actually got this one out somewhat early this month! Impressive. What may or may not be impressive, however, is the selection of games given to us Xbox Live Gold members this October. That’s why I do this each month — to share my opinion on what’s being offered!

Righto, let’s get into it!

For the Xbox One we have Tembo the Badass Elephant and Friday the 13th: The Game.

Hmn, A game where you’re an elephant trying to save a city? And it’s a side scrolling platformer? Okay, you have me interested. Honestly, this looks like a bit of fun – just crazy enough to work! Hell, I dare say I’m actually excited for this one, based on what I saw here. Tembo the Badass Elephant might well be a good time.

Next up on Xbox One we have Friday the 13th: The Game. Wait, it finally happened? An actual horror themed game for October? IT’S A MIRACLE! Seriously though for many previous years Microsoft simply has not given an actual Halloween-appropriate game in October, much to my dismay. This is a nice change of pace, and even better it’s actually a pretty good game, from what I’ve seen, playing perfectly like a survival scenario in a Friday the 13th Film! I’m looking forward to giving it a try.

On the Xbox 360 (and of course playable on Xbox One) we have Disney’s Bolt, followed by Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge.

Okay, Bolt. Family friendly game. Fits in with previous months where we have had Disney games show up in the Xbox 360 mix. Remember, at this stage the Xbox 360 is now more of a console your kid brother or sister would play while you have the hot new machine. That’s the life cycle of older game consoles, and games like this show Microsoft is aware of this. Consider someone my age, who could be a parent — this would be a perfect game to let your child play. Take it for what it is, the game assortment doesn’t just target you.

Lastly, we have Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge. Oh boy, Ninja Gaiden, the “hard for the sake of being hard” games that came before Dark Souls. I like the characters, the universe, what have you, but I can’t quite enjoy these games as much as some others might, or as much as I’d want to. That being said, I’ve heard good about this one so, as always, take it for what it is — if you like difficult games where timing is key, this is for you.

And that’s that. Honestly, a pretty good month in my eyes. There is something for everyone here, and I feel like many gamers would do well to expand their horizons and play something other than the same 3 games all year, or expect every top selling game to show up on this list as if you, who clearly didn’t buy it, were owed it.

As always, take the assortment for what it is, find some good in it, and happy gaming.

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