What’s Coming For February 2020 On Xadara

I can sum up this entire article in one word — Change.

That’s really, in its most base form, what’s coming to this site over the next month. As I prepare for the 13th anniversary of the site being started, I’m once again coincidentally put in a place where I feel some change is due, for myself and for the site.

Much of this has been planned for a while now, spoken about but never implemented. Each week I say I will, but never do. In January I began a bit more an aggressive, shall we say, tactic to some of my writing, finally getting some things covered which I’ve been wanting to write about for a while but never have. This month will be no different, and while I do this I’ll be working to finally make the navigational and appearance changes I’ve been wanting to for a while, as I’m finally pretty confident in how I want to do things moving forward.

This should finally also bring about the introduction of a few other article series sets I’ve been wanting to do but also putting off. I’m an absolute emperor of procrastination, to say the least, but I’m finally in a mood where I want to work on these things — to diversify and have even more fun with this crazy little hobby of a site I have.

At least, that’s always the idea. That’s the goal — to have fun. As I always say, if you’re not having fun, then what’s the point?

So, yeah, expect change. Expect things to look different, possibly act different, and new content to come up as the month progresses. Expect that for March, too, unless I somehow get all my ducks in a row first try.

More to come, as always.

Updated: February 3, 2020 — 11:38 PM

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