Change Is Inevitable

They say the only thing constant is change. As much as I hate to admit it, they (whomever “they” actually are) are correct — it seems, in the end, the only thing you can really count on always happening is some form of change.

It’s inevitable. Be it something natural, like a forest or a pond, or something man made, like television or the internet, things change. A forest could be chopped down, a pond could dry up as much as TV seems to have gone through a dozen iterations over just my life alone, and the Internet has changed from being something a computer can do to being, in many cases, about the only thing it’s used for!

That, of course, extends to both me as a person, and this site, as my little corner of the digital world. It’s time for a change in both aspects, change I’ll explain soon enough, as I always say, for what its worth to you, the reader.

That being said, in part of my plans to get things up and running for 2020 and the 13th anniversary of this site, I’m shopping around for a new theme and general appearance while I also plan out the upcoming serious shifts in some aspects of the nature of this site.

This all coincides pretty well with a realization that I need some change in my personal life which is yet another thing I’ll get into soon enough that, amazingly, relates very well to this site.

That all being said, consider this my only notice that things may, at times, become very broken or look very odd around here.

When I’m happy with what I’ve created… well… you’ll know when that happens.

More to come, as always.

Updated: March 2, 2020 — 10:28 PM

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