“U.F.O” Does Not Mean “Aliens”

I can’t believe I’m having to write this one, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable ending this week without at least addressing this one. Earlier this week the Pentagon released footage of “UFO’s” they had procured over the past, oh, 20 years or so, from what I’ve seen online anyway, and naturally the internet was awash with the expected reactions, being best summed up as “ZOMG THE PENTAGON JUST SAID ALIENS WERE REAL!!!11!!!!!” or something to that effect.

Now, let’s be clear that I’ve not bothered to even remotely look into the footage in question. This isn’t the first case of “odd” footage being released, won’t be the last, and the footage in question means precisely fuck all to the point I’m making here which, again, I can’t believe I am but I feel I must.

U.F.O does not mean Aleins, Alien craft, or anything of the sort. The term means “Unidentified Flying Object” and nothing more. If it’s an object, that’s flying, and you can’t identify it, guess what? It’s a U.F.O. I recall an alien documentary in the 90’s I was watching — I was big into UFO’s and stuff like that as a kid (and actually still am into the stories, just not in the same way as I was) and someone said something that stuck with me: after defining UFO like I did above, they said something to the extent of “Even a Boeing 747 is a UFO if you can’t tell what it is” and it’s true — by the meaning of the term, even if the object is completely mundane, so long as it’s flying and you can’t figure out what it is, it’s a UFO.

That’s all this, or anything of the sort being released as such is – some kind of flying object that cannot be identified.

The question of what it is is irrelevant — just because I can’t tell you what it is doesn’t mean it’s automatically aliens. Period. Nor can you, in a reversal, prove it is something alien, and even if you could it wouldn’t mean every such incident would also be.

Lastly, I want to address one additional thing — I’m sure many going on about this are joking; doing it just as a joke, for the memes or whatever phrase they wish to use, and will question why I took this so seriously when its “obviously a joke.” The thing is it’s not “obviously” a joke. People online “joke” about every damn thing so much it’s impossible to tell when they are being hyperbolic or ironic for comedic effect and when they are being serious to a point where I have to presume you’re serious to be safe — if not, then I have to presume you’re not serious about anything and thus any strong opinions you hold are just jokes, and thus you’re not worth taking seriously in any case ever.

So, pick whichever side of that you want to be on, it doesn’t change the point of this quick little entry.

See ya next week.

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