Shit’s Crazy Out There – Better Make Some Time For Myself

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’d have to be aware of the rather chaotic state that things are in in the United States right now – between the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve also had yet another issue of police oppression and this one seems to be the straw that broke the camels back, as they say, because the protests following this tragedy have been incredible, to say the least — incredible also has been governmental reactions, from finally acknowledging in various cities that the police forces in the United States are intrinsically flawed, to reactions of attacking peaceful protestors and even our absolutely pathetic “president” suggesting lethal force be used against otherwise peaceful citizens.

It’s absolute insanity, to say the least. A world I never thought I’d live in, yet here we are.

I have strong opinions here, once I’ve shared on social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram. You can find me there to see some of my more “intense” thoughts, but suffice it to say I don’t like the state of things, and feel, on a whole, Americans have been betrayed by our elected officials. That’s the simplest way I can phrase it.

With all this I felt the need to really make some time for myself to work on personal projects away from the internet, rearrange some things in the house and try to get some aspects of my day-to-day life in order. I’ve let a lot slide over the years and I’ve recently felt like getting things back in order.

This will, of course, benefit Xadara as once I’m feeling the urge I’ll be right back to writing about all kinds of new things here. Right now, however, given the current state of life, the constant chaos, paranoia, and uncertainty, the justified outrage I and millions of others are feeling about the outright murder of innocent citizens who’s only “crime” is being the wrong ethnicity in a nation built on racial hatred, all while we worry about a disease that just can’t quite be figured out…. well, let’s just say if there’s any time for me to take a break it’s now.

I feel fine. Don’t worry, this isn’t depression or some kind of creative slump. I just really feel like right now I’d do better to spend time gaming (I’ve played a fuck ton of Starcraft recently,) working on the BBS and some tech projects (I’ve gotten 2 MacBook Pro computers that I need to refurbish, more on that later) and lastly rearrange some things in “Xadara HQ” so I can enjoy my hobbies that much more efficiently; would you believe I have like 10 computers in this room right now, all ready to be used for whatever they are best suited for?

Sometimes it’s best to just detach and do your own thing for a while. I’ve always “done my own thing” but right now I’m just not feeling like even forcing myself to write. I’d rather just sit outside and sip on some coffee, phone tossed who-knows-where; just be separate from the world for a while, before I have to head into work and tackle the electronics repair side of my life head on.

More to come soon. Be safe out there everyone.

One more thing: BLACK LIVES MATTER!

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