The State Of Xadara And What I’ve Been Working On – 6/18/2020

I’ve not written much this month as I’ve been recently taking quite a bit of time to just indulge in some other hobbies of mine and detach from all the chaos going on in the world right now. I covered this in a bit of detail in a previous entry, and touched on some of what I’ve been working on , but thought I’d do well to have a more “project focused” entry, at the very least to publish something this week and to perhaps consolidate things into a nice “here’s what I may write about” list.

That being said, let’s begin.

The past month I’ve spent time working on my Dell server, changing its configuration and getting it to a usable, deployed state in my home. In short form it’s acting as a NAS combined with hosting my Bulletin Board System, which is the next thing I want to mention.

I’ve gotten back into BBSing heavily this past month, and set up my own BBS (Final Zone) which you can find a link to here. It’s a small one at the moment but I hope to keep it up and quite possibly build a little community of other gaming and tech enthusiasts. I feel the somewhat special nature of the BBS will attract the right kind of person, and keep out the typical riffraff that populate social media and the general internet.

This also means I’ve been regularly logging into other BBSes, up to a point where I am more active on them than I am traditional social media. I find myself these days really having nothing more to say on Twitter, Facebook, etc, as I’ve just gotten tired of and moved past arguing with the average idiot on there. I’ve got more important and fun things to do than to be on a terrible website debating unimportant shit with someone who cares more about how some shitty old video game gets them followers and views than they do about the game itself, the history, and so on.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time messing with some of my old computers, as well, and will continue to tinker – last night, for example, was a Windows 98 upgrade fest to an old laptop I found about a year ago, and I’ve still got quite a few old Macintosh systems to write about and document. Vintage computer tech is coming back to the site in full force.

Lastly, good old gaming. I’ve finally been making time to play some stuff again and it’s been nice. It hasn’t been much time, as work has remained crazy, but an hour or two at night every few days has been a great way to relax.

There’s been quite a bit more, but these are the “main” things, I’d say, shared as a “hey, here’s what’s been going on” kind of update for you loyal readers.

More to come as always.

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