Putting Off The Inevitable

I’ve been doing an incredibly good job at accomplishing absolutely nothing over the past few months with regards to this website. It’s one of those cases where once you break the habit of working on it, you never get back to it.

That hasn’t been intentional, but the past 4 months have been quite transformative in my life. While, on a whole, things are the same I’ve taken plenty of time for myself to work on so many other projects which select groups have found out about. As I’ve said previously, I’ve been incredibly productive on, well, everything except for xadara!

To be completely honest, I’ve contemplated just going ahead and closing the site down. Only a bit, however, as I keep remembering that just because I’m not writing much right now doesn’t mean I won’t wish to in the very near future. Hell, I so want to – I just have to seriously get back in the habit of it! I’ve just spent that much time studying various topics and working on other things that I broke the habit of writing every day.

That, and I’ve also made some positive changes in how I interact with others online (read, I’ve all but left most social media and spend very little time on there now) so my impetus to write on some topics is kind of gone. Still, I want to cover those things that get under my skin, but that desire is minimized as I’d much rather get back to writing about some of the awesome things I’ve been working on and also many of the previously started projects. It’s just, again, an issue of finding the time and the motivation to really get back to things.

It’s inevitable that I will. It’s just a matter of time, time I keep forgetting to make for myself with everything else going on. Hell, a few weeks ago I was interviewed for a documentary about Bulletin Board Systems – no joke! More on that in the near future, but suffice it to say it’s kind of a fitting side effect of one of my main obsessions the past few months.

Ah, there is so much to write about. Each time I do one of these articles I hope that I will be the spark that gets things going. Even still, I’m always planning some things and doing what I can to help myself move forward – the new featured image for this article will become a standard format for the site, and as I shift gears here just a tad I may well benefit myself by trying to go for another “standard” again.

Don’t misunderstand – I still want to do the same things I’ve been doing, but I want to do them differently. I tried to hard to play the social-media game, and I’m done with it, and done catering the content I create on this site for such. I’m taking control of my digital life, so to speak, away from Facebook, Twitter, Google, all of it, as best I can and within reason for the given time frame. So much more on that to come.

Stick around. Things are about to get even more awesome.

Updated: August 18, 2020 — 8:14 PM

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