What’s Coming For October 2020 On Xadara

I’m going to make this a short one, as not only am I writing it with a bit of a time crunch but I’m also pretty set on what October will consist of.

I used September as a month to get back into the groove of writing, after several months taking a bit of a break. While I didn’t get everything I wanted to accomplished in the past 30 days I did do more than in the previous months, and I took that time to also try out a few things with the site, some of which worked and some didn’t.

Moving to October I’d like to continue the momentum I built up in September. I’ve got a general plan for what I’d like to do this month, as well as in the following months, involving a few traditional series around here – I’ve got a map to the end of the year for AVGN episode reviews that’s quite reasonable, and a few other ideas can likely be worked in along side that. Consider it forming some of the “long form” content going forward, with short form filling out the rest of the site.

That’s where things may change a bit. In the past I treated the site a bit more “professionally” than I should have, which is a mistake I’d like to rectify in the coming months – not every entry needs to be something too special. This would allow me to cover more things going on of lesser note but still of interest in my various hobies, many of which I’ve yet to even touch on here, and with that content put out there maybe someone else into the same things will discover it and enjoy what I’ve written or shared. That’s kind of the whole point of all of this, is it not? Sharing experiences and thoughts for others who may enjoy reading them?

Life is a never ending process of self discovery and improvement. This even extends to ones “digital” life.

That being said, you know the drill – expect anything here, and more to come, as always.

Updated: September 30, 2020 — 10:16 AM

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