Looks Like I’m About To Spend All Night Hacking Again

That feed function I mentioned earlier is pretty neat, importing entries here on Xadara into my Bulletin Board System, but it has one MAJOR problem – it doesn’t import them WELL.

By that, I mean it does a bit of a poor job in properly importing the excerpt of the post and thus has some formatting issues, which I can deal with, but the title is, instead of the title of the article, is the website name, so just “Xadara” for every single post!

It kind of ruins the value of the feature, but I’m pretty sure there is a solution to this: A custom RSS feed.

The problem is I can’t code for shit. Like, I can mess with code here and there, and I can somewhat read what’s going on, but I’m just not skilled on writing new stuff. Modifying things that exist, sure, sometimes, but raw code creation is right out of my skill level.

Good thing is there are templates online for such, especially given how popular WordPress is. This leads me down the rabbit hole of taking an already existing code base and modifying it to my needs, which is something I can handle. At least, I hope I can. I may completely fuck it up. Who knows, but I’d rather try and fail than not try at all.

That being said, we’ll see what happens after this. Maybe I’ll have some awesome importing of my content happening, or I’ll spend a night I could have been gaming or sleeping working on bits and bytes that will do precisely fuck all.

See you on the flip side, I guess. Time for more geek shenanigans.