What’s Coming For 2021 On Xadara

It goes without saying that 2020 proved to be one hell of a year. While for me it actually wasn’t all that bad, beyond a major spot in the early portion of Spring, it was still a rough one between work, personal life, and my online existence.

Still, it was also a year of growth for me, and quite a bit of positive events happened. I discovered even more interests that I hadn’t explored yet, and well, I can say as much good as I can negative about the year. More on that coming very soon.

For now, though, let’s look at 2020 on the site and what I plan on doing for 2021. To say 2020 was a lost year would be accurate – by the Summer I had tones back, from 20+ articles a month to just a few, many of those somewhat forced. It wasn’t the best time, but I absolutely needed it while I focused my energies inward. Life is like that, sometimes you have to step away. It proved beneficial, and by Fall I was back to more regular entries and feeling more into things again.

I accomplished some of what I wanted to do — I finally got my game review series going, and while it’s just been a few entries I’m happy with what I’ve started and where I plan on going with things.

I also somewhat revived my YouTube channel, partially for the purposes of XVGR and partially simply to share stupid video clips — I’m not into full video production still, but I may going forward get back to making something special. We’ll see.

Xadara itself, though; this site, well, I’ll continue to say the base goal is to “stay the course” and keep on covering the random tech and gaming junk I do, but I’ve also wanted to touch on some long overdue aspects of socialization these days, especially when you mix in the internet. It’s, for lack of a better term, a fucking mess of hypocricy among other things, and I’m finally feeling comfortable actually spending some time really covering all this. Consider it a release from the frustrations of years past, and the current state of social media hell — I feel it needs to be said, for perspectives sake. If you get it, you get it — if not, well, that’s not my problem.

Don’t worry, this site isn’t going to become overly serious — I’m not always serious, far from it — but I do feel now is the time, and this is the year to say my piece on a great many things.

Of course, the old standby’s will be here – AVGN episode reviews, more commentary on tech and gaming, and who knows what else. I’m not serious all the time, but this is my platform to say what I want on, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to use it for what I wish to, to say what I wish to, about whatever I wish to.

If that bothers you, good. You’re probably a fine example of what I’m discussing.

That being said, expect 2021 to be a wild year here. I’m hoping to have some fun with it, and hope you enjoy it as well.

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