Let’s Get Back On Track

I’ve been neglecting this site for far too long. I know, I know, I’ve written probably a dozen entries this past year on just this subject, but it’s really starting to get to me that I go nearly a month between posts now, when I used to do near daily entries about something which caught my attention.

I can’t say it’s a bad thing that this neglect happened — this has been traditionally a space for me to vent frustrations and, ironically, changes to my lifestyle have helped me lose the need for such venting, but still, I can’t help but hate that there are probably a hundred subjects I could have given possibly thousands of thoughts on. While I don’t care as much anymore about the timeliness of my writings as much as your typical clickbait “news” site might, I still hate feeling like I’m playing catch-up with topics, nor am I fond of the inevitable “that’s old” reaction some people have when events that happened more than 24 hours ago are brought up on any social media outlet.

Still, I have thoughts and opinions to share for those interested and this is my place to share it all. I think my mistake has been the years of very in-depth entries. I certainly burned myself out on them, but still can, when need be, write some 2000 word epic on something which I feel strongly about.

By contrast, I need to re-learn the art of the short and simple blog post, and use that to balance out the “core” posts — various article series entries and the longer, more intense things I love to write.

I’ve also got quite a bit of catching up to do with you, the reader, on what the past year plus has been, and especially what I’ve devoted most of my creative energies the past 6 months on.

Please hold me to it. If you read this, bug me to write more. Annoy me with demands for content. I’ll appreciate it. Until then, well, catch everyone on the flip side of the weekend.


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