Merry Christmas Island Nuclear Test

Hey, look, it’s December 25th. Christmas. Woo, fun times, right? Unless of course you were wanting a new Xbox or PlayStation; still can’t easily get those without selling an arm and a leg (and seriously, they aren’t worth the 1000 scalpers are demanding so hold off until they become plentiful.)

So, here’s my Hi-Ho-Holiday cheer post, done in traditional style for me; in this case, it’s a reference to Kiritimati, also known as Christmas Island, in the Pacific where a series of nuclear weapons tests were conducted in the late 50’s by the UK, and in the 1960’s by the United States.

This all actually has nothing to do with December 25th and the holiday beyond one name that one of the test islands happened to have. I just felt it would be cool to post something today since I had nothing else planned.

Hope it’s a good day for you, wherever you are and whatever you do or don’t celebrate. 🙂

For me, I may watch A Christmas Story another couple of times and just relax. Maybe mix that up with Home Alone or some holiday themed episodes of The Simpsons. Whatever the case, I’m keeping things low key as always.

Catch you in a week for the New Year!

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