Aron Ra’s Systematic Classification of Life – Episode 1: The Root of The Tree

It’s time to do something quite a bit different from the norm around here; in this case, I feel like it might be fun to take the time to look at the incredible Systematic Classification of Life series that science and reality advocate Aron Ra produced over the span of early 2017 to late 2020. Yes, it took three and a half years to produce this 50 part epic which not only covers broadly the entire history of life on Earth but also has a focus on how we as specimens of Homo Sapien fit into the twin-nested hierarchy that is taxonomy. In a sense, by the end of it, one who follows it will be able to truly understand their place in the biosphere and how all life on the planet is explicitly related. In fact, not just that we know this, but how we can prove this and why it is an inescapable fact of any basic observation of the biology of our world.

In my original viewings I found the series interesting for just the volume of extinct species and genera which are touched upon, and what events helped shape the evolution of life around the globe. By the end I was blown away by the incredible scale of it all, how long it took life on Earth to become what we know it as and how incredibly recently it was that the animals and plants we recognizes today really came into being.

It’s an incredible subject far too large for me to write my thoughts on in a few paragraphs. Instead, I’ll split this up into individual articles on each video, sharing my insights but always with a focus of helping share what I consider to be an absolutely incredible presentation on the absolute facts of biological diversity.

In this first episode, we take a cursory look at the the broad concepts of taxonomy and the concept of life itself, and some cursory aspects of how it behaves and how it may have came to even exist on Earth.


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