We’ve Got Some Catching Up To Do…

Greetings, Dear Reader,

It’s been just shy of 3 years since I really took this blog seriously. Obviously, at its core, I got simply burnt out from the chore of daily writing. However, there is, like with so many things in life, more to it than that. Being completely honest, I hadn’t just begun to burn out of writing constantly, but I began to get quite frustrated with many things in general.

I began to distance myself from people in general, as one does after reaching a limit in what I cared to deal with. Sure, I’d dip my toes into some commentary on Twitter, and the occasional post here on Xadara, but beyond that I’d mostly cloister up, working on other projects and dealing with other social circles both online and offline.

Inevitably, however, people still find a way to do what they do best — start shit, in one way or another, and off and on that would happen over these past few years. Humans are social creatures. We’re affected heavily by our interactions with others. If most of the people one interacts with, willingly or not, seem to want to just cause negative situations, it takes its toll on someones creativity, and drive to work on some things. Combine this with the world going crazy thanks to Covid-19 (which, ironically, didn’t affect my life directly much at all by comparison to how people speak of it) and you get a period of a few years that one can simply get lost in; mentally just wandering through thoughts, ideas, as time passes by. That’s most certainly what happened with me, losing track of time between projects and people, work and home, just trying to escape the perpetual bullshit and enjoy my day.

It hasn’t been all bad though – I’ve done quite a bit that I’ve wanted to do, have picked up some new hobbies, made new friends, changed careers for the better, and most of all learned more about myself, and about people in general. I’m a firm believer that you never stop learning, and the past few years have proven that for me. Sadly, though, the greatest things I’ve learned, beyond the nuances of the old phone network, have been just how stupid masses of people can be, and how badly people you trust can betray and, in a very real sense, attack you and the stability of your life.

That, however, is the past, and I’m moving forward. I’ve still got plenty of ideas on things to write about, topics to cover, old ideas to return to, and some side projects to start up. I just need to make time for them, in between everything else I have been working on recently. I know I can do it; the trick is making sure I don’t burn myself out. Slow and steady, as they say.

To that end, let’s get things going.

Updated: January 29, 2023 — 5:12 PM

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