Status Update: 20230621

Shit, it’s been almost 2 months since I wrote anything here! I guess it’s time for the classic “I’m not dead” post, which this is, so, yeah. I’m around. Mostly. I think, anyway.

My days are a blur of work and projects — I’ve still not fully found the energy to get back to writing regularly, and while I’m not lacking in ideas I fear I may be past the point in my life where blogging can hold the same kind of joy it once had.

Really, my free time has been spent more heavily in just enjoying media — watching older movies, enjoying content on YouTube different from the normal stuff I’ve watched over the years, a whole lot of Minecraft (1.20 isn’t bad) and of course phones and old computer shenanigans.

I just find myself running out of time in any given day. So much I want to do but, by the time I actually am able to do it, I don’t have the energy, and once I feel rested it’s time to go to sleep and do it all over again the following day! I guess that happens to everyone at times, though, doesn’t it?

Things are what they are, I guess. My other projects go well, if still stifled by the nature of my life currently. Trying to make the most of things but to say it hasn’t been a good year would be an understatement. Perhaps I’ll be comfortable enough to publicly share at least some aspects of that soon enough, but for now, well, just know I’m okay. Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel like taking a stab at a few current and slightly overdue topics.

Or, maybe this place will stay a ghost town for another few weeks. Who knows.

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