Son of Monster Madness (2017)

With 2016 being the last video-a-day style Monster Madness, in October 2017 James Rolfe decided to go in a different direction, with primary MM videos (what we see in this compilation) being uploaded every Sunday, with the rest of the week being filled with older videos premiering on YouTube for the first time, and other film reviews which could be considered part of the Monster Madness run, but aren’t present here.

This is a short video, only 30 minutes long, but I find this to have been a pretty entertaining year, as far as the original content goes. It’s still James talking with still images, but that’s fine. It does what it needs to do, and happens to contain what I call the “Cinemassacre Freak” where James parodies the “Freddie Freaker” 900 number ad from LA circa 1990 — a meme which had become popular around that time, if memory serves, from someone named “Oney Plays” who I’ve most certainly never heard of….

Anyway, this is the last recently uploaded compilation on the “Cinemassacre Clips” channel, and that means I’m done covering classic Monster Madness! There was no proper Monster Madness for 2018 — apparently it was a livestream of James and the people at Screenwave watching movies, and I have no interest in that, nor have I really had interest in Monster Madness since this episode. As I said a few articles ago, Cinemassacre by this time was in a downward spiral it’s never fully escaped from.

That said, it’s been a fun trip down memory lane. One could even say… nothing but good memories… although that’s not true as Mike had to basically ruin a year for me, it’s still worth saying. If you know why, then you know why.

Enjoy. Keep the Halloween spirit alive, everyone.

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