Kent Hovind Having A Normal One

It’s been a little while since we looked at the lolcow that is Kent Hovind. He’s still doing his classic science-denying bullshit, so there’s nothing new to report on that front. What I do want to show here is a YouTube short uploaded by user Big Bad Mama which contains cuts from a bit of an unhinged rant Hovind did regarding Atheist Junior, The content is, well, disturbing, to say the least, coming from a 70 something year old man who’s supposed to be a good Christian. Actually, never mind, the shit being spewed is actually quite typical for a “good Christian” as it’s filled with homophobic rants, attacks on him being a gamer and, well… just watch.

This is pretty damn normal for him too, actually – the title of this entry isn’t quite a joke, since this man does this kind of crap all the time with a number of people who just seem to get under his skin. He does this kind of crap in his “bible study” with kids present.

AJ is a pretty cool guy. Very honest with his audience, very humble, and well educated. He only strikes when appropriate, and on points that have merit with regard to Hovind’s perpetual hypocrisy. Otherwise, it’s just some humor based on the insane things Hovind believes and that’s about it. Okay maybe a parody rap diss track or two but still.

But wait, there’s more! At around 11 yesterday morning, a little while after this short was uploaded by BBM, AJ would do a livestream where he looked at the actual video these clips originated from. Barring some technical issues, it turned out great (you can even find yours truly in the live chat) and AJ addressed the hate being spewed by 064520-17 quite nicely.

Here is that livestream, and with that, more to come, as always.

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