The Crud

I had some reasonable entries planned for this weekend, but instead I spent the time mostly resting as I’ve come down with whatever the hell has been going around work the past week or two. Bit of a cold, a rather weak one honestly: just enough to make Friday annoying and to ruin my drive to work on anything Saturday or Sunday. Not nearly as bad as some of the other times I get sick which, since changing jobs back in 2022, happens quite a bit more now since I’m exposed to far more people on a day to day basis than previously. That, and, you know, the fact that since the pandemic is, in practice, over, almost no one masks up anymore so regular illnesses, as well as the ‘Rona, are spreading as normal.

The fact that I’m sick actually got me thinking that it was just about 4 years ago today that Covid-19 became an active concern in day to day life here. Yeah, at the end of February 2020 I was already worried about it, and knew it was in the US and was spreading, but early March was when shit hit the fan.

It’s kind of wild to think it’s been 4 years, but, well, it has. It was a time that showed how absolutely stupid a majority of people are, and how little some actually care for others. On the other side of the coin though, it also showed some amazing work from many people and even, surprisingly, a halfway reasonable response from both the US Federal Government, State and local governments, and even some pharmaceutical companies. Yes, one of the ultimate hellspawn of capitalism, the entire medical industry, actually made a half-assed attempt to help out the populace.

Hell, to think late Fall of 2020 and Winter of 2021 we almost eradicated the Flu speaks volumes for what staying the fuck home and masking up if you had to go out could actually do for stopping the spread of disease in general — let alone SARS Cov-2.

Of course it didn’t last. Things eventually got back to normal; with the vaccine becoming available most areas quickly lowered mask mandates and people began feeling safe to go out. Granted, that’s the way it should be but had we actually buckled down when we should have in the beginning — all of us — it wouldn’t have gone on for as long as it did, millions of people in the world wouldn’t have gotten sick or died from the disease, and the global economy might be in better overall shape. I don’t know for sure on the last one but it seriously blows my mind that people couldn’t just stay the fuck home and avoid others for a couple of weeks — that they absolutely had to go out with friends, family, what have you. That they couldn’t stand the idea of being alone for a while, for the sake of everyone else on Earth…

…but I’m yelling at the past. At this stage I’m mad about history, in much the same way I can be pissed that no one took action on the clues of the 9/11 plot, or how the world gave in to demand after demand from Hitler before World War 2… this just happens to have been an historic event I was actively involved in, as we all were. It’s an odd thing to think that, barring a very small group of isolated tribes, every human on Earth faced this struggle together. I mean, sure, we face disease all the time, and a million other things together but Covid was just, something different…

Where was I again? Oh right, being sick right now. I just find it a little funny I would have an upper respiratory issue right around this time; or, more correctly, that it would be spreading around work like it has been. Just a little bit ironic and an almost funny coincidence in my dark-humor wired mind.

Hopefully I’ll feel like getting content out over the week. Maybe. I have been working on some more behind the scenes stuff but I’m not ready to write about it all quite yet. For now, more rest is in order.

More to come, as always.

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