Tag: twitter

I Just Can’t Do The Online Gaming Discussion Scene Anymore

nintendo, nes, n64, xbox, games

I’ve been thinking quite a bit recently about my time in the online gaming scene — especially the past 2 or 3 years — and I’ve come to realize I simply can’t do it anymore. The scene has become virtually nothing but a might-makes-right popularity contest where passion, knowledge, and logic mean nothing — do […]

Byte – The Vine 2.0 That Nobody (Sane) Wanted Or Needed

Remember Vine, that annoying as hell 6 second video sharing service that was big in the early-mid 2010’s, that service that Twitter bought, kept around for a while then killed off in 2016? The one that spawned the “careers” of many an annoying and, in some cases, controversial to be internet celebrities (I’m looking at […]

Why In Depth Discussion Or Debate Is Nearly Impossible On Twitter

I don’t care what you want to call it — discussion, debate, discourse, arguing, whatever it is — any kind of “deep” discussion on Twitter between two parties is, in practice, virtually impossible. This is for two key reasons — the nature of the site itself, and the culture surrounding its used. These two aspects […]

When A Columbus Day Tweet Goes Wrong – A Brand Social Media Failure Story

Columbus Day was October 14th this year. It’s a holiday that has quite the controversy surrounding it. While it’s modern form here in the states partially originates as an Italian-American heritage day, the timing and spirit of the day is still based on the historic event of Christopher Columbus “discovering” the “new world” for Europe. […]